Empowering lives
Our purpose
Empowering communities by building capacity and maximizing local resources in both program design implementation.
- Promoting self-reliance, peaceful coexistence, and reintegration of marginalized communities.
- Protecting lives from physical injury or psychological trauma where present
- Upholding the highest professional norms in program delivery, including accountability to beneficiaries and donors alike.
To bring relief and health services to all ethnic groups, focusing on vulnerable and marginalized families, orphans and abandoned children in particular and communities in remote areas of Somalia in general, moving people toward a new vision on millennium development goals and enabling them with the skills and resources for a brighter future.
I. Organizational Objectives
. To rehabilitate and expand education, health, water irrigation, sanitation and hygiene promotion facilities, rehabilitation of public infrastructures roads, bridges, markets, slaughter houses and livestock auction yards, abattoirs, and many others. The main focus of health sector is to build new MCH (mother and Child Health centers), conduct Emergency programs on Immunization for children less 5years and pregnant and lactating women, measure the level of nutrition of children under 5 years, pregnant and lactating women and, provide trainings to Community Health Workers (CHW), conduct HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, establish counseling center’s for people living with HIV/Aids, Hygiene and sanitation promotion campaign, thoroughly encouragement of good community health care system through the prevention and eradication of tradition harmful practices.
To promote peace buildings, human rights, gender empowerment programmes, empower and improve rural Agricultural and livelihood development support programs through drought mitigation, e.g. borehole drilling, water catchments rehabilitation, and Dams and shallow wells construction, water trucking, cash for work for affected communities either war or drought/other disasters and livestock treatment, and assist small-scale farmers, livestock herders, fisheries and natural salt and cipolite producers in their agricultural activities either rural and urban populations.
To campaign for the protection of human beings through war tone displacement and human rights, early child marriage, environment, forest, wildlife and the sea wasting and also changing the practice of traditional animal husbandry.
To Increase access to health services for children, mothers and communities living in our areas of coverage in Somalia, Improve capacity building trainings to community leaders through community self-management
Our values and principles
trainings (CSM) skills in different sectors and retrain them, provide also adequate security and good sanitation for staff and patients.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
To achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development; and to enhance the capability of the mother to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.

Our Commitment to Closing the Gap
To work and closely collaborates with anybody/ Agencies concerned on Somali affairs towards relief, rehabilitation and infrastructure and other social-economical development.

Our Commitment to Cultural Safety
harsom is committed to providing culturally safe services that respect and value the cultural diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Our Commitment to Self-Determination
The organization receives funding from various statutory, private and voluntary contributions. The major funding comes:-

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